January 24, 2025

In spite of everything they oppose, it’s never too late for newbies, says Kats. Some environmental groups are moving to help the new news around the world, including in California. In the hills north of San Francisco, volunteers with the Chileno Valley Newt Brigade spend winter nights picking up amphibians as they make their way to and from their breeding sites, taking them across roads to protect them. from cars. Along the East Coast and in parts of Berkeley, roads frequented by newts are closed every year for the same reason.

Some of the best strategies for protecting new ones are focused on improving and protecting their habitats and ecosystems, and with them, biodiversity in general, said Bucciarelli. A major effort in the works is California’s 30×30 initiative, an executive order signed by the governor with the goal of conserving 30 percent of the state’s land and coastline by 2030. Because habitats As amphibians make up most of the state’s land and watersheds, they will benefit greatly from the plan.

Habitat protection involves human intervention to reduce disaster and destruction. Several European studies have shown that enlarging and deepening ponds can lead to rapid and large populations of frogs, frogs, and toads—a technique that can be useful for removing mud after a fire, says anyway. Researchers have also found value in “new hotels,” man-made piles of rocks covered with soil and fabric that mimic the types of environments animals use to spend the winter in extreme conditions. status. And in California, government agencies are actively working to create freshwater ponds free of invasive species, such as crayfish, to replace the loss of amphibians.

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