Two-year term
Mark E. Amodei
Party: Republican
Occupation: Member of Congress
Age: 64

Service record
Congressman Amodei served in the US Army Judge Advocate General Corps, from 1983 to 1987.
Awards and honors: Army Achievement Medal, Army Commendation Medal, and Meritorious Service Medal.
Upon receiving an honorable discharge, Congressman Amodei returned home to become an attorney at the law firms Allison MacKenzie in Carson City from 1987 to 2004 and Kummer Kaempfer Bonner Renshaw and Ferrario (now Kaempfer Crowell) in Reno, Nevada from 2004 to 2007.
Served in the Nevada Assembly from 1996 to 1998 and the Nevada State Senate from 1998 to 2010 representing the Capital District.
Served as President of the Nevada Mining Association from 2007 to 2008.
Served as Chairman of the Nevada Republican Party until May 2011, when he resigned to pursue the Republican nomination for Congress.
Congressman Amodei is the Republican candidate for Nevada’s Second Congressional District in the September 13, 2011 special election.
117th Congress Committee Assignments: House Appropriations Committee.
Assignments: Interior, Environment and Related Agencies; Financial Services and General Government; and Legislative Branch.
Caucuses: Congressional Western Caucus (Vice Chair), Army Caucus, Congressional Joint Strike Fighter Caucus, USO Caucus, Veterans Job Caucus, Public Broadcasting Caucus, Italian-American Caucus, Conservative Climate Caucus, Postal Preservation Caucus, ALS Caucus.
Carson High School – Class of 1976.
University of Nevada, Reno – Class of 1980.
McGeorge Law School, University of the Pacific – Class of 1983.
Why are you running?
During my more than a decade long service in Congress, I have always done what is right for our state and for the hardworking people I have been fortunate enough to serve. As the Home Team Congressman for Northern Nevada, I was born and raised here. I know Washington won’t act, and I’m fighting to support our top industries, protect our small business job creators, and make sure Nevadans can live, work, grow. of a family, and can own and operate a business without the federal government getting in the way.
Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running.
Responsible, honest, and faithful service in Nevada’s Second Congressional District by leading and legislating for the best interests of Nevadans, voting intelligently, explaining votes with transparency, managing the federal agencies, and maintaining a service operation to Nevada constituents.
A brief statement about your platform:
I am proud to call Nevada my home, and I am committed to improving the lives of my constituents by solving issues the old-fashioned way – listening to the concerns of the Nevadans I serve, pursuing a open dialogue, and always explain why I vote the way I do. Thank you for trusting me to bring your voice to Congress. We’ve accomplished so much, and together, I’m confident we can continue to make a difference for the Silver State. I would be honored if you chose to send me back to Washington for another two years. I will continue to fight against radical far-Left policies that destroy Nevada’s economy and families, and I will continue to put forward legislation and sound policy solutions that protect lives, preserve rights to store and carry weapons, put the needs of veterans first, secure the border, ensure America’s energy independence, save the mining and agricultural industries from the Green New Deal environmental policies, grow to Nevada businesses, spur innovation in the private sector, and keep more money in the pockets of hard-working Nevadans.
What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?
As a lifelong Nevadan, former Army officer, former assistant US Attorney, and former state legislator who has dedicated more than two decades to public service, I understand the unique needs of Nevada’s Second District. Plain talk, honest answers, and a normal, down to earth man in the street service style allowed me the privilege of serving as a Nevada Congressman during some challenging times.
Some of my work for Nevada includes:
• Always vote to cut taxes for American families and small businesses.
• Opposition to policies that drive inflation, resulting in increased costs for basic goods and the pump.
• Support the federal government’s control over decision-making that should be done at the local level and in households.
• Support police officers and first responders as they work to reduce crime and protect communities.
• Successfully influenced the Small Business Administration to repeal its ban on small gambling businesses’ access to the Paycheck Protection Program at the height of the COVID-19 shutdowns, saving thousands of jobs in Nevada.
• Oversaw the management of federal agencies as a member of the House Appropriations Committee and fought for state, local, and municipal infrastructure projects in Nevada to receive adequate federal funding during a time of tremendous growth.
• Passing several pieces of legislation on various issues, from county and tribal lands bills, to placing the Vietnam Helicopter Pilot and Crew Member Monument at Arlington National Cemetery.
• Provide a Nevada-first constituent services operation on issues from getting more than $20 million in benefits withheld by the federal government back to constituents, assisting with the evacuation of America’s allies from Afghanistan, and helping veterans receive the right treatments through the VA.
• Receive the endorsement of Veterans of Politics International with a strong record of putting veterans first.
• Receive the endorsement of the National Right to Life Committee with a 100% pro-life voting record.
Elizabeth Mercedes Krause
Party: Democrat
Occupation: Educator
Age: 46

Bachelor’s in Elementary Education from the University of Nevada Las Vegas
Master’s in Administrative Leadership with a focus on American Indian Education from Concordia
Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy from UNLV is ongoing
Why are you running?
I believe that the best candidates are the candidates who run because their heart brought them here. I am a passionate advocate for issues that are important to my family, my community and all Nevadans across the state. We need representatives with lived experiences that enable them to put the labor needs of Nevadans above all else. I will promote dignity for all Nevadans such as safe, affordable housing, health care, mental health care, wages, and economic and educational opportunities. I ran so I could vote in a way that would protect all Nevadans.
Briey describes the core duties of the position you are running
The duties attached to the existence of the Congress are centered on taking care of the welfare of the people
and common defense – keeping constituents safe. We know the needs of our community and must vote in a way that ensures prosperity and dignity for our neighbors near and far.
A brief statement about your platform
I am a Democrat who voted on the issue. I base my decisions on what is best for the people and
the future of our communities.
I believe that a woman’s right to make their own health care choices is one of the greatest threats facing the people of Nevada. The government has no place using the criminal law to control people’s reproductive choices.
As a union member, I will bring federal dollars to Nevada to invest in training programs to prepare workers for high-quality jobs in fast-growing sectors such as public health, childcare, manufacturing, IT and clean energy.
Nevadans don’t have to choose between health care and rent. I will always vote to reduce health care costs and expand access to Medicare.
We must protect our state from drought and poor air quality and ensure that all of our communities have access to safe drinking water.
18 of Nevada’s 28 tribal communities are in CD2. Free, prior, and informed consent of Indigenous Peoples must be implemented for all decisions affecting Indigenous Peoples and their traditional territories (FPIC).
As a teacher, I will not rest until our public school system improves.
What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position
First and foremost, I bring my lived experience of being a single mom, working full-time while attending graduate school, and trying to make ends meet on a teacher’s salary. It was not easy. I know what the struggle feels like – it’s the same struggle that many Nevadans face. It is my motivation to be here for every Nevadan by voting and allocating funds to make education and a life with dignity more accessible. We need more teachers, more mothers and more people who see life through different lenses so we can work together to create a better Nevada.
I am a proud dual-citizen of the Oglala, Lakota Nation. I continue to stand with community members working to create a more just and fair Nevada. Representation is important. I will always promote initiatives that benefit the Lumads and all communities.
In addition, I found my voice and learned how to work with others to promote the things that are important in our lives through my union. The life experience of seeing my father, also a longtime union member, able to work hard and live a life of dignity shaped what I knew was possible for all families.
I am a graduate of Emerge Nevada and a graduate of Advance Native Leadership. I also currently serve the state in many capacities: as commissioner of the Nevada Minority Airs Commission (Education Committee Co-chair), co-founder of Indigenous Educators Empowerment serving Native teachers and students in Nevada, Chair of the Nevada Native Caucus , an inaugural member of the Superintendent’s Advisory Cabinet for the Nevada Department of Education, and me
on the board of the Nevada State Education Association, the Nevada Minority Health and Equity Coalition – Native American Steering Committee, the ACLU of Nevada, and the Nevada Democratic Party.