January 25, 2025

with the global

The vital role of citizen science and the urgent need to bring young people to the climate negotiation table were highlighted at a COP27 feature event attended by young engineers, scientists and policy makers on 9 November.

The intergenerational dialogue, convened under the theme “Using youth expertise to bridge the science-policy divide and improve access to finance”, provided case studies and perspectives from developed and developing countries. countries on the benefits of youth being included in decision-making.

The panellists agreed that the science-policy divide can only be bridged by creating enabling environments where young people can acquire the knowledge and skills needed to engage policymakers and affect structural changes. which is necessary to solve the emerging climate issues.

The event is supported by the Association of Commonwealth Universities, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Commonwealth Youth Programme, International Water Association, Moravian University in the United States and the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (International Federation of Consulting Engineers).

Youth engagement surveys

In the lead up to this year’s event, three global surveys targeting youth organizations and policy makers were conducted with the aim of identifying barriers and opportunities for youth engagement in policy making. .

Kirils Holstovs, delegate and mastermind of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations behind the hybrid event, said that the common purpose of the surveys is to identify ways to improve the engagement of young engineers, scientists and youth policymakers to address policy gaps and improve access to climate finance for young people.

A survey result shows a wide range of obstacles to the effective engagement of youth, for example, a lack of established mechanisms that facilitate their interaction with policymakers at the local, national and international levels.

In the Global South, a survey found that socio-economic conditions such as lack of education on climate, social and political issues limit youth participation. In addition, there is a lack of transparency and follow-up in relation to youth proposals, a fragmented NGO space and insufficient government communication aimed at youth.

A survey also showed that while there is a strong desire to involve youth in government processes, youth are viewed by policy makers as inexperienced and youth activities are considered low priority for some. There is also a locked perspective on climate change and engineering solutions, including endless data on available solutions.

The researchers urge policy makers to reach out

Amira Saber, Egyptian member of parliament and secretary-general of the foreign relations committee, urged universities and research centers to continue to engage and involve policy-makers in their projects, especially those centered on climate. , because it not only gives visibility to research but also ensures better funding opportunities.

Emphasizing the complex procedures involved in the creation of new laws and regulations, especially in support of climate action, he said that it is necessary to involve all stakeholders, especially youth and women. an, to ensure that the law serves the needs of all citizens.

Young policy researcher and founder of the Earth Ambassadeurs organization, Andrea Clayton, who is also a principal lecturer at the Caribbean Maritime University in Jamaica, emphasized the importance of putting citizens at the center of climate action and training young people. -on the grassroots level to prepare them for global conferences like COP27.

“In Jamaica, we use a bottom-up approach where we move into communities and use traditional knowledge that helps locals build climate resilience. In the Earth Ambassadeurs organization we also train children to become stewards of the environment. We must not underestimate the value of citizen science in achieving policy goals,” he said.

University and green skills

Cedric Frolick, a member of the South African National Assembly of parliament, said his country is committed to equipping young people with green skills as part of a US$8.5 billion transition investment plan to accelerate the country’s transition from coal. to cleaner, sustainable energy sources.

“In all our policy frameworks it is necessary for the government to involve different sectors of society and, this time, the youth. Fixed targets have been put in place for all publicly funded universities and science councils to engage and train young people to acquire green skills. More than 30% of our population in South Africa are young people so it is important that we target our policies towards that. “

He said the majority of submissions to support South Africa’s first climate law came from young people in universities, science centers and youth programs.

Science ahead

Canada’s Assistant Deputy Minister of Environment and Climate Change Stephen de Boer said that with Canada preparing to host the United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15) in December, it is important to put science at the forefront of all processes. In addition, it is equally important to build the skills of the youth and to ensure their presence at the negotiating table in all climate conferences.

He described his department, which is responsible for national climate change policy and international climate change negotiations, as a science-based organization.

“It is impossible to imagine having a conversation about how to solve climate change without a basis in science. The policy responses and measurement of how we are all science,” he said.

“Climate change processes are very complex. The best way for youth to learn is to watch the processes. There is an absolute advantage in having more youth participation because because we can be sure that we are training a cadre of future negotiators who will remain involved in these processes.

“There is a fundamental inequality in the negotiation process itself. A country like Canada can have 30 youth delegates but not every country has the capacity or the ability to do that… we see that playing out in the negotiations of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),” he said.

“These structures and systems must change if we are to do a better job of bridging the science policy divide.”

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