February 8, 2025

Free event for veterans – The second Hamilton County Veterans Stand Down will be held from 3 to 6 pm on November 11 at the Boys & Girls Club, 1700 Conner St. in Noblesville. The event is free to veterans and their family members and will include a meal, games and assistance with filing benefits, getting a job, financial counseling and other services. RSVP is welcome but not required emily.pence@aspireindiana.org or 317-503-2524.

Winner of the ‘I Voted’ sticker – Suria Ramakaransingh, a student at Creekside Middle School, won third place in the fourth through eighth grade category of the “I Voted” sticker design contest. The winners’ designs are printed on stickers that will be given to the election offices by their local county clerk. Nearly 1,000 Indiana students submitted designs. The Indiana Arts Commission reviews the submissions. Entries are judged on design focus on voting attention, showing Indiana and overall creativity.

No-Shave November – For the seventh year, officers and civilian employees of the Carmel Police Dept. participated in “No-Shave November” to raise awareness about cancer and collect donations to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The fundraising goal is $2,000. The department’s grooming standards were updated earlier this year to allow officers to grow facial hair, so this year Chief Jim Barlow relaxed the department’s uniform standard. Employees who make a monetary donation will be allowed to wear CPD baseball caps for the month of November. Family, friends and community members are also encouraged to donate to gofundme.com/f/carmel-police-department-noshave-november-2022?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer.

State board appointments – Reappointed by Gov. Eric Holcomb Carmel residents Reginald Henderson, president of Telamon Energy Solutions, on the board of trustees of Vincennes University; Richard Hester, senior partner of Indiana Business Advisors, of the Indiana Optometry Board; and Richard Leirer, VFW State Commander, to the Veterans Affairs Commission.

Civil War Roundtable – Joe Bellas, the 2005-06 Gilder Lehrman American History Teacher of the Year for Ohio and organizer of the Stillwater Civil War Roundtable, will be the speaker for the Hamilton County Civil War Roundtable on Nov. 9 at Carmel City Hall, 1 Civic Square. He will present “Bloodbath in the Bluegrass.” Doors open at 6:30 pm The event is open to the public.

Bicentennial ambassadors needed – High school sophomores and juniors interested in history and community can apply to serve as Hamilton County Bicentennial Ambassadors through a program sponsored by the 2023 Hamilton County Bicentennial Committee. Student ambassadors will serve as a bridge from the past to the future through conversation and public engagement from January to December 2023. Apply online through Nov. 30 of docs.google.com/forms/d/1o-3mZxYeP_WY2ncO0MzytCNensGRmdWTx5RLJy26-hQ/viewform?edit_requested=true.

Ice skating tickets are available – Tickets for Ice on Carter Green are on sale. The rink will open on Nov. 19 to Feb. 26, 2023. Skate sessions last 90 minutes, unless noted on the skate session calendar. The cost per session on all days is $10 for adults and youth 11 and over, $8 for children 10 and under. Skates can be rented for $4 per person. Buy tickets and learn more at theiceatcartergreen.com/tickets.

Princess Program applications – The 500 Festival is accepting applications for the 2023 500 Festival Princess Program. Applications are available at 500Festival.com/Princess. The deadline to apply is 11:59 pm Jan. 8, 2023. The program gives 33 women from Indiana colleges and universities the opportunity to make an impact during their college years as ambassadors of the 500 Festival and its mission to improve lives and positive impact on the community. Each of the 500 Festival Princesses will also receive a $1,000 scholarship.

The cutest dogs in the state – Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch, the Indiana Destination Development Corp. and Indiana’s First Dog, Henry, is looking for adorable dogs in beautiful places across the state through the Visit Indiana Cutest Dog Photo Contest. A different winner will be chosen every week for one year. Each winning dog will receive a note from Indiana’s first dog, an exclusive ‘More To Discover IN Indiana’ dog bandana, a feature as one of the Cutest Dogs IN Indiana on Visit Indiana social channels. To enter, upload a photo or video of your dog to Instagram, tag @VisitIndiana and use the hashtag #DogsINIndiana. Entries must include the location where the photo was taken.

Sidewalk Repair Grant funds are available – In 2020, the Carmel City Council established a Sidewalk Repair Grant program to help keep sidewalks throughout the city in good condition and safe. This program was initially funded with a $50,000, non-reverting fund and there are still funds available for property owners to apply for sidewalk repair assistance. The fund assists residents who own and occupy their homes with the cost of repairing/replacing sidewalks and for removing trees located on their private property that affect sidewalks through to reimburse up to 50 percent of the project cost, up to $3,000. Learn more and apply to carmel.in.gov/government/departments-services/community-services/sidewalk-repair-grant.

Arts and Culture digital passport – The recently launched Indiana Arts & Culture digital passport encourages visitors to discover new places and enjoy some of Indiana’s creative spaces. Sign up online for a passport and receive custom rewards for visiting multiple destinations across the state. Guests must check-in from a smartphone at one of the designated passport locations. Participants earn more by visiting multiple locations. For more information, visit VisitIndiana.com/arts or follow Visit Indiana on social media at @VisitIndiana on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Democratic Women’s meetings in Hamilton County— Hamilton County Democratic Women meets every third Saturday of the month at the Delaware Township Trustee Building 9090 E. 131st, Fishers. Conversations begin at 9:30 am, meeting from 10 am to 11. All Hamilton County women are welcome.

The monthly meeting of beekeepers – The North Central Beekeepers Club meets the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm at the Cool Creek Nature Center, 2000 E. 151st St. in Westfield. The meetings are free to attend for all levels of beekeepers located in the north center of Indianapolis. Those interested in becoming beekeepers are welcome. For more information, visit facebook.com/ncbclub.

Free breakfast on Veterans Day – On November 11, Kolache Factory stores nationwide, including the Carmel restaurant at 890 E. 116th St., are offering free kolache and coffee to all veterans and all active duty members of the US armed forces. To claim the free breakfast, show a government-issued military photo ID or DD 214 between 6 am and 2 pm on Veterans Day.

Show to show Carmel – American Dream is expanding its EMMY-nominated TV show to Carmel and will feature host Karen Tanner, a 20-year Carmel resident. Each show highlights a cast of Realtors in the market chosen for their real estate expertise, reputation and recognition from their peers and consumers. The show is nationally syndicated and airs on CNBC, Bloomberg TV, the Travel Channel and other cable outlets. It streams on Amazon Fire, Apple TV and Roku. The 30-minute, commercial-free movie will air locally starting in December. Learn more at facebook.com/theamericandreamtv.

Diabetes Prevention Program – Franciscan Health offers a Diabetes Prevention Program, an initiative that provides a supportive environment where participants work together in small groups to learn about healthier eating and increasing their physical activity to reduce their risk of contracting it. of diabetes. The program is led by a trained lifestyle coach in a classroom setting and is delivered over a 12-month period. Participants had to be at least 18 years old, overweight (body mass index above 25), diagnosed with a prediabetic condition or diagnosed with gestational diabetes at any time. Eligible participants can contact CIRFranciscanWellCare@franciscanalliance.org or call 317-528-4962 to inquire about the program and register.

Blood donation guide updated – The American Red Cross is inviting those who have spent time in the UK, Ireland or France and have not yet tried to donate blood due to concerns about the variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD) – which is related to mad cow disease – to give blood and help save lives. Recently, the US Food and Drug Administration updated blood donor eligibility guidelines regarding vCJD, eliminating the deferral for those who spent time in the UK, Ireland and France between 1980 and 2001. FDA changes, Red Cross begins accepting donations Oct. 3 from individuals who have never attempted to donate blood due to prior donation behaviors. Learn more and schedule an appointment at RedCrossBlood.org.

Hospice volunteers needed – Brighton Hospice in Carmel is looking for volunteers to help office staff with various office duties such as organizing admission paperwork, filing, preparing and sending mail, answering phones , stocking supplies and assisting with special projects and events. Hours and days for this volunteer opportunity are flexible and training will be provided. To learn more, contact Katresha Taylor, volunteer coordinator, by calling 317-798-2160 or by email at ktaylor@brightonhospice.com.

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